
#nawSHARING – Perlu sentiasa jaga kepuasan Customer.

Hi Salam semua Noor Arfa Lovers. Sebelum ni min dah kongsikan beberapa tips untuk mula berniaga kan? Harini min akan berkongsi pula cara untuk tingkatkan Kepuasan Pelanggan pada produk/servis kita. Status ini telah dikongsi oleh coach Noor Arfa tau. Hah cuba teka siapa..? Okay status ini telah di-up oleh Tcer Isma kita. Min rasa perkongsian beliau sangat bagus dan min wajar share kepada semua orang agar lagi ramai dapat ilmu.

1. Exceed Customer Expectations.

Apa yang dimaksudkan disini ialah, kita perlu sentiasa bagi lebih daripada apa yang pelanggan harapkan. Maksudnya, bagi tawaran sehingga pelanggan terpaksa cakap “sudah lah, banyak sangat bagi dah ni”. Selalunya pelanggan ni suka bila mereka ditawarkan dengan pelbagai benda. Contohnya bagi ebook percuma, jaminan wang dikembalikan jika tidak berpuas hati dengan servis atau produk kita atau ‘free consultation’ selama 24jam.

2. After Sales Service.

Sentiasa berikan layanan terbaik selepas pelanggan membeli atau menggunakan produk/servis. Tanya mereka apa perkembangan terbaru atau minta pandangan mereka supaya mereka akan rasa dihargai dan semestinya mereka sangat penting kepada kita.

3. Added Value.

Sentiasa fikir cara bagaimana untuk menambah nilai kepada pelanggan. Contohnya apakah masalah yang dapat selesaikan melalui produk/servis kita dan apakah cara termudah atau terpantas untuk menyelesaikan masalah tersebut. Semakin tinggi value yang kita berikan semakin tinggi kesetiaan pelanggan kepada kita.

Diharapkan perkongsian oleh Tcer Isma kita ini dapat memberi manfaat kepada semua. Sekian daripada min.



Hi Greetings to all Noor Arfa Lovers. Before this I shared some tips to start a business, right? Today I will share ways to increase Customer Satisfaction on our products / services. This status has been shared by our coach. Okay this status has been shared by our Tcer Isma. I thinks her sharing is very good and I should share it with everyone so that more people can get the knowledge.

1. Exceed Customer Expectations.

What is meant here is, we need to always share more than what the customer expects. That is, for an offer so that the customer has to say “yes, there is a lot for this”. Often, these customers like when they are offered with various things. For example, for a free ebook, a money back guarantee if you are not satisfied with our service or product or a ‘free consultation’ for 24 hours.

2. After Sales Service.

Always provide the best service after the customer buys or uses the product / service. Ask them what the latest developments are or ask for their opinions so that they will feel appreciated and of course to show they are very important to us.

3. Added Value.

Always think of ways to add value to customers. For example, what are the problems that can be solved through our products / services and what is the easiest or fastest way to solve the problem. The higher the value we provide, the higher the customer loyalty to us.

I hope this sharing by our Tcer Isma can benefit to all. That’s all from me. Thank you!


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