
#nawRESULT – Order Berpuluh-puluh Masuk Bukan Kaleng-Kaleng

Hi Salam, Noor Arfa Lovers, harini admin nak share sikitlah yang Noor Arfa Warrior sentiasa komited dan semangat dalam berbisnes. Orang sukar nak tak percaya kalau tiada bukti.

Hi Salam Noor Arfa Lovers, today admin shares that Noor Arfa Warriors are very committed and high spirit in business. People tend to not believing something if there is no evidence.


Di Noor Arfa Empire, kita ada Team Leader yang akan bantu korang dan ajar macam-macam selok-belok berbisnes ni. Nak buat sesuatu, mesti kena ada guru. Insyallah jualan beriub-riban pabila hujung bulan kunjung akan kita capai. Ya betul! Ramai Noor Arfa Warrior kita yang DAH BERJAYA mendapat 3 angka dalam satu penjualan sahaja. Meh admin kongsikan bukti-bukti. Tak tunjuk, tak tahu ye dok?

Here in Noor Arfa Empire, we have Team Leaders that will guide you all and coach you on the ways of business. We are obliged to seek a teacher in doing something. Insyallah thousands sale on the end of the month will be in our grasp. Truly yes! Several of Noor Arfa Warriors has SUCCEED in getting 3 numbers in an order. Let’s admin share the proofs.


#1 Pelanggan NAW dibawah bimbingan Team Cik Umi order 6 helai dalam satu order. Fuh!

#1 NAW under the care of Team Cik Umi’s customer had ordered 6 pieces in one order. Fuh!



#2 Bukan 10 helai tapi 28 HELAI ya! WAH WAH! Belum cukup seminggu join, tahniah!

#2 Not 10, but 28 PIECES ya! WAH WAH! Not even close to one week of joining, congrats!




Diatas adalah gambar-gambar order yang NAW yang berjiwa semangat sehinggakan melekat pelanggan-pelanggan yang sekali order, banyak terus! MEMANG HEBAT! Korang nak ke tak jadi macam ni jugak? Boleh ada pendapatan lebih untuk diri sendiri dan keluarga serta orang sekeliling tanpa mengeluarkan modal sesen pun.

Above are the pictures of orders from big motivation until their customers ordered with massive amount per order! TRULY AMAZING! Don’t you want to be the same? To have your own extra income for yourself and family as well as people around you without spending any penny.







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